Cases and Clients
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Erva’s case is a WordPress Website with eight pages in the main menu (including a cart) and a search icon. It is integrated with six social media platforms and has eight links to different pages at the bottom. Erva also has a dropdown menu that shows each service offered by the company. Erva also contains 6 scroll down buttons that allows the user to see price of desired service within a click. Erva’s services included the installation of pugins, cart, contact form, logo development, keyword search, Woocomerce Installation, Credit Card Platforms. Erva’s design is modern and young.
1st Release: $ 30,000.00
Invictus and Co is a labour-hire company based in Sydney. The website contains 30 pages, 5 social media integration, social media creation, 3 dropdown menus, Plugins, logo development, Key Words Research, Pixel Installation, Chatbot, and other features. The website was built with a moderns and mid age design.
1st Release: $ 50,000.00
Quirino Engenharia is a online platform that provides online courses to engineering students. The website was developed with WordPress and contains 8 pages, 5 social media integration, plugins, email integration and other features.
1st release: $ 10,000.00
2nd release: $ 15,000.00
Kenta is an estimation company in Sydney. The website is a premium package from our black line, it will have 8 pages, 2 DropDown menus, 7 social media integrations, 3 Email integrations, 1 year hosting, social media creation, features through Plugins, logo development, Key Words Research, Pixel Installation, Chatbot, and others. The website will be built with a modern design and engineering templates.
1st Release: $ 25,000.00
Quirinoo is a Brand that sells fashion clothes and products to men and women of all ages. The website is a premium plus E-commerce with 10 pages, 20 Products, 7 social media integrations, 3 Email Integrations, 1 Year Hosting, tracking pixels, contact form 7, Mailchimp, Pixel your Site, ChatBot and other features.
1st release (WIP): $ 18,000.00
Romeo Gagliasso is a massage service provider based in Australia. The website contains 6 pages, 2 social media integration, social media creation, payment integration, Plugins, logo development, Key Words Research, Pixel Installation, and other features. The website was built with a modern design.
1st Release
Price: $ 8,500.00
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